Lawyer Gennaro Ciociano's legal study

Lawyer Gennaro Ciociano's legal study

Welcome in lawyer Gennaro Ciociano's legal study

Avvocato Gennaro Ciociano Salerno On the pages of the site information are found on the lawyers of the study, on the activity it turns, on the specializations. We’ve realized it on the web to come meeting in dynamic and innovative way to the professionals of the sector as well as to the clients. And it’s possible to retrieve news of juridical character or to directly contact the components the study. Such publication is conforms to the dictated of the forensic code of ethics.
Ciociano legal affair office was born in 1997 and it plays an active role in the domestic and international market (Europe, Usa, Latin America) .
Thanks to the senior partners we guarantee assistance in civil right, company and bankrupty, banks and execution, family right, criminal right, administrative right.

Law firm Salerno Italy

Address Salerno (Italy): Via R. Conforti, 17

Phone/Fax : +39 0899849017

Mobile:>+39 3206312536


Lawyer Gennaro Ciociano

The Activity

 Administrative and contracts
indice Arbitration international 
indice Banking  
indice Contentious 
indice Contracts 
indice Fusions and acquisitions 
indice Job 
indice Penal right  
indice Penal right of the societies
indice Personal and property measures of prevention
indice Intellectual Ownership 
indice Restructurings societarie and Failure
indice Law of the societies 
indice Road accidents 
indice Family
indice Military 
indice Foreign
indice Expropriations


indice Insurances 
indice Banks
indice Private Clients
indice Communication
indice Industry
indice Public Corporate
indice Media & Entertainment
indice Fashion and Luxury
indice Services

The Activity



Avvocato Carlo Guidotti Salerno

dr. avvocato CARLO GUIDOTTI

mobile +393294207104

Criminal law

Senior Partners



Lawyer Gennaro Ciociano's legal study